
Danielle DZA Osajivbe-Williams

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Danielle DZA Osajivbe-Williams is an integrative counsellor & psychotherapist and movement artist who plants seeds for liberation via wellness technologies of past/present/future.

Danielle DZA Osajivbe-Williams is an integrative counsellor & psychotherapist and movement artist who plants seeds for liberation via wellness technologies of past/present/future.

Concerned with the sensual, the spiritual and the ancestral, they are intent on bridging the gap between western psychology and traditional West African and ancestral healing practices, as a decolonial, regenerative and practical resolve of the timeline we currently find ourselves in.

Through her work, they intend to connect themselves and those engaging with her work to inner knowing; the knowledge of our bodies and its interdependence to the knowledge of other living systems seen and unseen.

This is grounded in the belief of wellness and liberation as the ability to trust our being and move from a place of awareness, resource and activation of personal power.


“Hermosa comunidad y una herramienta valiosa­ de fluir del saber tiempos de Pandemia!”


“Gracias por compartir métodos de técnica de baile de una manera tan organizada!”

Nome 2

“Es un grandiosa pagina. Es una alternativa para aquellos que no tienen la posibilidad de viajar y conocer a grandes artistas creadores, para conseguir nuevos conocimientos.”

Nome 2

“It´s great and wonderful technic and very useful videos.”

Nome 2