
Cláudia Nwabasili & Roges Doglas

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Contemporary Dance, Capoeira, Brazilian dances and Acrobatics are the main tools of body research developed by these artists.

Cláudia Nwabasili and Roges Doglas, represent a new generation of multidisciplinary artists. They propose to investigate a dance full of fusions. Contemporary Dance, Capoeira, Brazilian dances and Acrobatics are the main tools of body research developed by these artists.

They are the creators and directors of Cia Pé no Mundo, company founded in 2010 in the search for black representativeness in the scenario of contemporary dance. Together they toured several countries with Argentina, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Russia. Acting as dancers also worked with renowned artists such as, Antonio Nóbrega, Ismael Ivo, Ivaldo Bertazzo, Fernando Lee, Né Barros, Tino Sehgal among others.


“Hermosa comunidad y una herramienta valiosa­ de fluir del saber tiempos de Pandemia!”


“Gracias por compartir métodos de técnica de baile de una manera tan organizada!”

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“Es un grandiosa pagina. Es una alternativa para aquellos que no tienen la posibilidad de viajar y conocer a grandes artistas creadores, para conseguir nuevos conocimientos.”

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“It´s great and wonderful technic and very useful videos.”

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