Duarte Valadares is 27 years old and graduated from the Escola Superior de Dança in 2014, resides between Portugal and Belgium, researching in parallel the contemporary and urban movement.
He worked with choreographers such as AméliaBentes in “Eternidão”, Gregory Maqomaem “Free”, Emmanuele Hyuhnem “Cribles”, Marco da Silva Ferreira in “Land (e) scape”, “Hu (r) mano”, “Brother” and “Bisonte” , Drosha Gherkov in "Neds", Jonas & Landerem "Adorabilis" and Thiery Smits / Compagnie Thor in "Anima Ardens" and "WaW".
Duarte choreographed "Dry Mouth" in 2015, "State of Doubt" in 2016, "We can buy a Basquiat but we can`t hold hands" with Jonas Verwerft in 2017 and "Ruble King" in 2018.